Class and Description |
DirectMessage |
DirectMessageEvent |
Detailed information about the relationship between the authenticated user and another user.
MessageData |
Place |
Detailed information about the relationship between two arbitrary users.
Tweet |
User |
WelcomeMessage |
WelcomeMessageRule |
Class and Description |
Delete |
Follow |
Retweet |
Tweet |
User |
UserstreamEvent |
Class and Description |
Delete |
Place |
Tweet |
User |
Class and Description |
AllReplies |
Apps |
Blocking |
BoundingBox |
CallToAction |
Connection |
Delete |
DeleteDetails |
DirectMessage |
DirectMessageEvent |
DirectMessageEvent.Type |
Entities |
Follow |
FriendList |
Detailed information about the relationship between the authenticated user and another user.
Hashtag |
InitiatedVia |
MarkedSpam |
MediaItem |
MessageCreate |
MessageData |
Muting |
NotificationsEnabled |
Place |
QuickReply |
QuickReply.Type |
QuickReplyOption |
QuickReplyTextInput |
Detailed information about the relationship between two arbitrary users.
RelationshipSource |
RelationshipTarget |
Retweet |
Status |
Target |
TargetObject |
Tweet |
User |
UserMentions |
Users |
UserstreamEvent |
UserstreamEvent.EventType |
WantRetweets |
WebhookEvents |
WelcomeMessage |
WelcomeMessageRule |
Class and Description |
Tweet |
Class and Description |
User |
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