This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
streams-provider-instagram – streams-provider-instagram Fork me on GitHub


Module connects to instagram API, collects events, converts to activity, and passes each activity downstream.

Data Types

This module relies on classes from com.sachinhandiekar:jInstagram




Create a local file instagram.conf with valid instagram credentials

instagram {
  clientId = "b389fcbeca2a40a89afa591a8468e4dc"
  usersInfo = {
    authorizedTokens = [

Build with integration testing enabled, using your credentials

mvn clean test verify -DskipITs=false -DargLine="-Dconfig.file=`pwd`/instagram.conf"

If you only have sandbox credentials, you’ll have to edit src/test/resources/*IT.conf to pull ids that have been authorized on your sandbox.