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streams-persist-kafka – Rat (Release Audit Tool) results Fork me on GitHub

Rat (Release Audit Tool) results

The following document contains the results of Rat (Release Audit Tool).

Generated at: 2018-04-02T22:46:51+00:00
Notes: 0
Binaries: 0
Archives: 0
Standards: 15

Apache Licensed: 13
Generated Documents: 0

JavaDocs are generated and so license header is optional
Generated files do not required license headers

2 Unknown Licenses


Unapproved licenses:




  Files with Apache License headers will be marked AL
  Binary files (which do not require AL headers) will be marked B
  Compressed archives will be marked A
  Notices, licenses etc will be marked N
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/pom.xml
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/site/resources/
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/site/resources/kafka.conf
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/site/resources/org/apache/streams/kafka/KafkaConfiguration.json
 !????? /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/site/resources/
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/site/markdown/
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/main/resources/
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/main/resources/kafka.conf
 !????? /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/main/resources/
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/main/jsonschema/org/apache/streams/kafka/KafkaConfiguration.json
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/main/java/org/apache/streams/kafka/
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/main/java/org/apache/streams/kafka/
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/main/java/org/apache/streams/kafka/
  AL    /home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/streams-project-site/streams-contrib/streams-persist-kafka/src/main/java/org/apache/streams/kafka/
 Printing headers for files without AL header...
############################# Producer Basics #############################

# list of brokers used for bootstrapping knowledge about the rest of the cluster
# format: host1:port1,host2:port2 ...

# name of the partitioner class for partitioning events; default partition spreads data randomly

# specifies whether the messages are sent asynchronously (async) or synchronously (sync)

# specify the compression codec for all data generated: none , gzip, snappy.
# the old config values work as well: 0, 1, 2 for none, gzip, snappy, respectivally

# message encoder

# allow topic level compression

############################# Async Producer #############################
# maximum time, in milliseconds, for buffering data on the producer queue

# the maximum size of the blocking queue for buffering on the producer

# Timeout for event enqueue:
# 0: events will be enqueued immediately or dropped if the queue is full
# -ve: enqueue will block indefinitely if the queue is full
# +ve: enqueue will block up to this many milliseconds if the queue is full

# the number of messages batched at the producer



############################# Producer Basics #############################

# list of brokers used for bootstrapping knowledge about the rest of the cluster
# format: host1:port1,host2:port2 ...

# name of the partitioner class for partitioning events; default partition spreads data randomly

# specifies whether the messages are sent asynchronously (async) or synchronously (sync)

# specify the compression codec for all data generated: none , gzip, snappy.
# the old config values work as well: 0, 1, 2 for none, gzip, snappy, respectivally

# message encoder

# allow topic level compression

############################# Async Producer #############################
# maximum time, in milliseconds, for buffering data on the producer queue

# the maximum size of the blocking queue for buffering on the producer

# Timeout for event enqueue:
# 0: events will be enqueued immediately or dropped if the queue is full
# -ve: enqueue will block indefinitely if the queue is full
# +ve: enqueue will block up to this many milliseconds if the queue is full

# the number of messages batched at the producer

