This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
streams-persist-cassandra – Cassandra Fork me on GitHub


Start cassandra via docker with the docker maven plugin:

mvn -PdockerITs docker:start

Confirm that cassandra is running:

docker ps

Confirm that host and post(s) are in property file:


Create a local file cassandra.conf with cluster details:

cassandra {
  host = ${}
  port = ${cassandra.tcp.port}

When configuring a stream, include these files:

include ""
include "cassandra.conf"

Supply application-specific configuration as well:

cassandra {
  keyspace = test_keyspace1
  table = test_table1
  partitionKeyColumn = key
  column = value

When running integration testing, must be in the root of the streams project repository.

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